
What to Do with Leftover Fertility Medication

Written by Nurse Hannah | Sep 15, 2022 4:00:00 AM

If your fertility treatment cycle is over and you’ve found yourself with leftover medication, you may ask yourself what to do with it (especially if you don’t want to see it go to waste). One thing to keep in mind is that you can’t donate or sell your medications to another person going through fertility treatments, even if your intentions are good. This is not only illegal, but could put them at risk if the medications aren’t calibrated for their specific needs or if they are unintentionally, unknowingly tampered with and damaged.

If you’re wondering what to do with leftover fertility medication, we’re here to help answer your questions and provide insight into the available options. 

Using Drug Dropoff Bins or Needle Exchanges

Many of your local police or fire departments have drug dropoff bins in their lobbies that can be used to collect any expired or unused medications you may have. These include oral medications and liquids. Though needles and syringes can’t be placed in these boxes, there may also be sharps boxes at these sites. If not, those are collected at your local needle exchange or syringe service program. More information on what you can do with leftover supplies can be found as

Donating Leftover Meds to Fertility Clinics

When it comes to giving demonstrations on how to use medications properly, fertility clinics may use donated, unused medications to help teach patients or their loved ones how to administer those medications.

Making Fertility Medications Simpler

For over 30 years, VFP Pharmacy Group has provided ​​the fertility medications you need at a competitive price. Our team of caring professionals is there to help you every step of the way. With four locations nationwide, we’re available to help wherever you are and provide the help you need, whether that be picking the best payment option for you or providing one-on-one lessons to help you feel confident starting your treatment. To learn more, contact us today.