
Your Guide to Ordering Fertility Medications During the Holidays

Written by Nurse Hannah | Nov 9, 2022 5:00:00 AM

The holidays are fast approaching, and with that comes scheduling changes for nearly everyone. We know that timing can be everything regarding fertility treatments and that the last thing you want to be stressing about is if your refills will arrive or be available when you need them. As such, we wanted to take a moment to discuss how to best avoid this in the coming months and share some guidance if you’re planning to travel with your medications.

When to Order Your Fertility Medications During the Holidays

The simple answer is as soon as possible. Like any other deliveries you might be expecting around this time of year, they can very easily be delayed due to challenges with the shipping company. While we usually recommend reordering medications at least two days before you need them, you should order them even sooner than that during the next few months.

Be sure to also factor in weekends when reordering your fertility medications. While our clinics are open on Saturdays, orders aren’t shipped on Sundays, which can delay their arrival.

To order your fertility medications, you can call your VFP Pharmacy location. If you no longer have refills, we can work with your fertility clinic to get another prescription. You can find more information about where and how to get your fertility medications and how to pay for them on our blog.

When your medication is shipped, you’ll be emailed a tracking number as soon as the package has left our pharmacy. Unless otherwise noted, you don’t need to be home at the time of delivery since most of the packages we ship don’t require a signature. If a signature is required, this will be discussed with you when the order is placed, so that you’ll know what to expect. When you get your package, be sure to open it as soon as possible so that items requiring refrigeration can be stored properly.

Tips for Traveling with Fertility Medications

Planning on traveling this holiday season and need to take your fertility medications with you? Here are our tips to ensure they’re stored properly and arrive safely at your destination.

Know the Storage Requirements

Each fertility medication is different and has its own set of storage requirements. Some may need to be refrigerated, while others are good at room temperature. Be sure you know exactly what you need to do before you head out on your trip. If you need to refrigerate any of them, invest in a high-quality frozen gel pack and insulated bag. This is the best way to ensure they remain effective. Any frozen gel pack will need to be frozen solid when boarding the plane. If not, the airline may recommend discarding. It is always recommended to bring along a few empty zip-lock bags, so that if needed, ice can be acquired while on flight and packed in these bags to keep medications cool.

Always Keep Them in Your Carry-On

You should never put your fertility medications in your checked luggage, especially if you’re traveling by plane. While a missing bag of clothes may be stressful, a missing bag of specialty medications could compromise your current cycle. Store everything you need in one bag or organizer (including alcohol wipes and syringes), and be sure to pack a few extras of everything if you can to be safe. Make sure you keep prescriptions in their original packaging, so it’s clear what they are.

Get a Note from Your Doctor

Documenting your diagnosis and why you need your fertility medications might not be necessary, but it can give you extra peace of mind as you head out on your trip. You can store this right with your fertility medication kit in your carry-on for easy access.

Know Your Airline’s Rules

Airlines will have guidelines for packing and flying with prescription medications on their website, so be sure to read and review these carefully. You can contact the airline’s customer service department if you have any questions. When you go through security, be sure to let the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent at the screening checkpoint know that you’re traveling with liquid medications.

All of us at VFP Pharmacy wish you a happy and healthy holiday season! If you have any other questions about ordering or traveling with your medication, our pharmacists and nurses are available 24/7/365 to help. Contact us or send any non-urgent questions to Nurse Hannah Lind and her team here.